Booking in a nutshell

You want to book at our Dog Resort Moonbow -> That's how it's done!


1.) Call or WhatsApp-message

00357 99057748 - Stephanie


For a booking we need:

- Number & size of dogs

- Dog/s name/s

- full Name of the owner

- phone number

- E-mail address

- Period of stay

- Desired dog room (Green Studio, Blue Lounge, Golden Suite)


2.) Which dogs do we accept?

All dogs from 3 months.

We do not accept aggressive dogs.


3.) Requirements for admission

- Not aggressive

- older than 3 months

- Kennel cough vaccination (within one year)

- Current tick protection -> preferably by tablet (spot-ons & collars work rather badly)

- Current basic vaccinations


4.) Fill out the online registration form

5.) Arrange a trial meeting


Drop-off and pick-up times:
8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
2:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Please arrange times outside of these times separately with Stephanie, thank you.


Our currect terms and conditions apply.